
Leveling Dungeons in BC

It was pretty crazy and hard and truthfully we had a lot of fun.
The difference between then and now is the goals have changed. Our goal at the time was to explore the dungeon and have fun. Leveling didn't matter, loot didn't matter, just playing did. Now people do dungeons to level. They don't want to sit and explore, they want to rush to max level because that's what the game is about now. That's how the paradigm has changed. It probably can't go back. I don't even know if it could go back with a new game, in fact.
Yes, I do miss it.
One other dungeon note. Leveling dungeons in BC and Wrath were SPARSE. Well, the dungeons were there, but groups running them were not. You didn't get a group for Blackfathom Deeps because no one was in Ashenvale long enough and those were the only people that would run it. Where to buy wow accounts You couldn't get a group from Ironforge to RUN all the way out there. If you couldn't find a group in the zone the short time you were leveling through it, you didn't run the dungeon.
So wishing to go back to a time when people leveled through dungeons, well, I'm not sure it ever existed before the Dungeon Finder. As said, most people just didn't run leveling dungeons in BC or Wrath because they couldn't get a group. In Vanilla, people didn't "level" in dungeons, they just played around in them. If you want true leveling dungeons, they pretty much have to be easy or people will just skip them. I think you want something that never truly existed, alas.


Timeless Isle Rare Spawns And Events

This is a bit TOO sandboxy for me. Buying world of warcraft account When they said it'd be an expansion on Barrens, I thought that meant MORE events. As of now, Barrens is killing rares and protecting the caravans. I thought Timeless Isle would be more rares and more events that are similar to the caravans but not exactly. Maybe an event randomly spawns where you have to protect a hub. Maybe some NPC wants to start a group and kill some mobs and that's another event. Maybe there's a caravan you protect, and when it reaches its destination, it sets up camp and you can protect that too. 
Basically, I thought the Isle would be more and more similar to GW2 or Rift events, which would've been pretty cool. But this? WoW accounts for sale It just sounds....empty. I'd much rather have dailies than this, at least dailies you were doing stuff. 
Same as some posted here, I WANT to really LOVE this place, and I love anything with the Sands of Time or whoever is doing that now, but I can't find reasons to come here. I don't pet battle, I'm only on Test of Valor for the cloak, I hear it's over tuned and I'm a LFR guy now on a very low population realm, and there is a lack of direction. Will virtual realms help this?
The problem I see, is they try it with this weekly quest. That's all well and done, but you can seriously grind it all out in 1 day, then you're done for the week. On here, if you can't solo things, going there alone is pointless. But what if it's TOO populated? With unlockings and daily quests, it's all fine, but if too many people there, Cheapest WoW accounts how is anyone going to kill a rare or do any event with everyone around camping it. Then, you do it once, and then move on. Another good example Isle of Giants... not easy to just go there and farm alone at all.
With no direction, and "just explore", I fear it will just be a fade.


Every Raid Is Dependent on Every Healer

The DPS have responsibilities to live up to as well. There's no such thing as a free lunch, after all. But part of being a team player is picking up the slack when your teammates falter (as they'd do for you). WoW accounts for sale When DPS get caught in the bad, healers should do their best to save them. 
Every raid is dependent on every healer, yes... If they weren't then they would bring an extra dps to the fight instead.
I can keep someone alive in Iron Qon fire for longer than 3 seconds by spamming Healing Surge and Riptide on them.  I will also be out of mana in about 30 seconds doing this.  If we wipe because I do this then it is the dps's fault and also my fault.
 I'm sorry if you play dps and can't get over the fact that 1 out of 6 healers is more important than 1 out of 17 dps.  There is a reason that the priority healing order is keep tank up, keep yourself up, and then lastly keep dps up.  Saying that I should blow my mana pool to keep a dps up is basically saying that I should suicide myself for a dps.  This is silly of course.
We aren't talking about dps being "caught" in the bad though... when that happens I heal them until they can get out.
We are talking about a dps either tunneling or ignoring mechanics and not getting themselves out of the bad.  In this instance I can probably not heal you for longer than a few seconds.
 Then heal for those seconds, and if they die, Where to buy wow accounts it's their fault. Not trying to heal them (or stopping healing them) is detrimental.
Saying 1 healer is more important than 1 DPS is arrogant, and completely ignores how enrages, both hard and soft, work. 
 I've already said multiple times that I heal people when they first get caught in something.  I then expect them to move out of it, and if they don't then I have to stop healing them for the betterment of the group.
1 healer is more important than 1 dps.  Sorry... don't know what to tell you, but it isn't arrogance as I'm not an arrogant player.  If two people are dead then our raid always battle rezes a healer first.  It's just simple logic.  Losing a tank is pretty much an automatic wipe.  Losing a healer is usually a wipe unless it is near the end of the fight.  Losing a dps is sometimes a wipe but often isn't if you aren't pushing the enrage timer.

Proving Grounds Thing

Been reading the feedback thread on the forums - the DPS Proving Ground seems like Brawler's lite i.e. you're alone against monsters. Cheapest WoW accounts But that's not how DPS function in a group. What about target priority and correct positioning for cleaves? Do they teach melee to stand behind the mob? wow is more and more like a single player game, this whole Proving Grounds thing is just playing with bots, and player will have exact same experience with 5 man dungeon(except they are playing with bots). Not sure why they made this junk.
Are you serious? Players have been asking for this for years. It's a great way for newbies to learn their class before jumping into a raid, especially for tanks and healers who can easily wipe a group by doing something wrong. Being able to practice with NPCs takes some of the stress out of the learning curve.
To think of it, 5 man dungeon provide the same thing(training), the only difference is you wont be booted if you are a total inexperienced player.
Who knows, maybe there wont be any new 5man dungeon in future expansions anymore Proving grounds are not a replacement for 5-mans. In case you hadn't noticed, 5-mand contain real people, just like raids. They are still a stressful environment for the very inexperienced tank or healer. 
Unless proving ground provide same reward as 5man, Buying world of warcraft account especially for DPS, they will probably completely ignore 5man in the future(of course they will go there once or twice just for fun but not anymore, because the queue time). If so, why bliz put more money in develop 5man anymore. If not, this proving ground will rarely be used, most people will only play it a few times and totally forget about it, then why proving ground. Actually wow isn't that newbie unfriendly, isn't it? Proving grounds don't give you any rewards besides achievements and a title that you get from the achievements.  They don't give you gear.  I just watched the videos of them on MMO Champion, and they take place inside the White Tiger Monastary in Kun-lai.  So the environment is extremely bland.  It's not like running a dungeon.  It's more like being inside that kung fu training program from The Matrix that Neo fought Morpheus in.
I would have found them much more compelling if they in some way simulated a dungeon or scenario, instead of taking place in a giant round room that makes translucent NPC enemies appear from nowhere and attack you.


fix Sub's PvE

I don't think any spec should be a tank spec  (if they decide to give it to rogues, it should be a wholly new specialization), but I do think they need to fix Sub's PvE without infringing on its PvP playstyle.  I should have said "if rogues are to "have" a tank role".  I agree with you rogues shouldn't be tanks.  Buying world of warcraft account What about the changes I suggested for shadowdance to give more DPS uptime?  Would that mess with PvP too much?  It would help PvE a lot.  At least it seems so to me.
I think it could work, but it should be conditional. Just giving them more shadowdance will directly be a buff in PvP, too. 
Something like, "Each time you use a finishing move on a target that is immune to stuns, the cooldown of your shadow dance is reduced by 5 seconds"
I could live with that condition.  Anything to make Shadowdance have a chance to have more uptime.  I have always played Sub rogues exclusively with "combat" as my off spec.  I liked the survivabilty and movement tricks of the Sub class from the jump.  I know now a days most of those have been opened up to all with talents but, I just still have a soft spot for trying to make Sub work in all situations.  Call me crazy. ;)
Oh goddess no.  I want the whole "immunity" bit of bosses to go away (so a stun slows down the bosses next physical swing, something other than a "haha, you left that on your action bar in a raid!").  The Warrior Thor-Hammer talent was the first ability I know of that had "X, or Y if immune to part of X".   We already have basically 2 kits for every class: the one used in PvP, with tons of CC, and the one used in PvE, with more damage, build up, and no CC abilities.  WoW accounts for sale
Trying to learn either PvP or PvE when you know the other is almost relearning a class.   If PvE and PvP have to live together, I'd like the abilities to be more alike, not more different.