
How To Achieve The Transition Of Patch5.4?

How To Achieve The Transition Of Patch5.4?

PVP Just Required Smarter Playing

I found them difficult at first, but realized it just required smarter playing. Where to sell World of Warcraft accounts  Pull mobs away from each other and be careful with AoE.  Still, this is a rather small portion of all the dailies that came with 5.1.
What PVP gear are you using?  For the most part, it isn't that bad for doing PVE content like dailies.  A 458 PVP item is just as good as a 458 PVE item.

I'm assuming you're on a PVP server, since PVP isn't an issue for PVE servers with the 5.1 content.
Majority Malevolent, rest upgraded (466) Dreadful PvP gear. My PvE set is avg ilvl 496 though. That difference is quite large especially figuring in the trinkets and Sha touched gem in terms of PvE dps. Sure, it's a large difference - but 466 level gear is still more than you need to do dailies.  These are quest mobs, not heroic raid bosses.  They're tuned for people in 440-450 level gear.  They should die in a few seconds in either set of gear.    I really have trouble believing that it would take that much longer to do dailies . 
It's the gems/enchants/trinkets and the ilvl difference of my weapon that causes the huge disparity in damage output in pvp gear vs pve gear on pve content. I could, and maybe should, try wearing my pve trinkets and weapon with the rest pvp gear for doing dailys. Or they could make all the quest mobs for Dominance Dailies count as players for the purposes of PvP Power boosting damage.
While the solution is elegant, I'm wary of the balancing issues it could create. where to buy WoW accounts PVP Power is balanced on PVP Resilience.  A 483 geared player boosted by PVP Power on resilience-absent mobs would be...well, fun, but amazingly overpowered.


Warrior burst got more insane since WOW5.1

Warrior burst has gotten even more insane since 5.1 (although admittedly I haven't PvPed since the day after 5.1 hit).  I used to be able to survive a warrior who'd already used his cooldowns - I just couldn't really heal anyone else.  After 5.1 I'd get whittled down no matter what I did even if he didn't blow any cooldowns; the regular pressure was enough to keep me from making up the ground I was losing during the steady train of stuns and interrupts.  I'm assuming that it was the new Uber-Weapons, but I didn't stick around to be certain.
So I wonder what would happen to PVP if PVP Power and resilience were all removed from the game at once and stats/abilities/talents that have been modified to adjust for PVP were re-adjusted accordingly. Unless I'm missing something, it just seems like the idea of resilience has introduced a big slowly opening can of worms.

 Resilience was meant to address the problem from Vanilla where BGs devolved largely to "most raid gear wins."Right now, removing resilience straight up would mean that the most optimal gear loadout for PvP would be to be decked out in T14 heroic gear with maybe a PvP trinket.In other words, fast wow gold  the farce that is resilience (and leading into PvP Power/Defense) is entirely about preventing arena players from having to raid to be viable in PvP.


WoW Mobile Armory APP

I just uninstalled the WoW Mobile Armory app from my Droid.. WoW accounts for sale. until I hear all is clear.  At the moment we are not sure it is the armory app, see my post further down, a windows phone user had this happen and there is not a windows armory app, only a windows authenticator app. If you have a physical auth, use it :)  At the moment we are not sure it is the armory app, see my post further down, a windows phone user had this happen and there is not a windows armory app, only a windows authenticator app. If you have a physical auth, use it :)
Well an EU player has had all her gold returned by Blizzard so at least any risk is not permanent I would get SMS protect on your account then. It's not quite a mobile authenticator but it's better then nothing.  Thanks -- I just added the SMS protect in addition to my Mobile Authenticator.
Honestly, I don't have much gold at all (QQ, lol) but IT Security is my world/career, so it's good to have the defenses up.Not paranoid, just cautious.

i hope blizzard takes the necessary and appropriate steps to close all the holes and close and ban the accounts of the perpetrators involved 


while doing PVP dailies

Here's a comparison between the best 1H weapon you can get from raiding vs. the best you can get from PVP. Note:  This won't apply in arenas. buy cheap wow accounts That said, the tyrannical weapon will be 3 ilvls higher in 5.3- but the heroic weapon will be 8 levels higher via upgrading. 
This is the part where I expect somebody to say "PVP power"- I don't know about you, but I'd rather have 400 stam, a socket, an extra secondary stat, AND 2000+ WEAPON DPS than 9% extra damage from pvp power.  Easy choice.
The PvE weapon will have its stats lowered to 496 ilevel. The 400 stam, 2000+ DPS will be scaled down. The socket will remain a problem though  I think these changes are good for instanced pvp- but awful for world pvp.  If they are going to make things behave differently in different aspects of the game- then why is one aspect more unbalanced than it has been since vanilla?  I'm actually getting some fun and balanced pvp on the Isle of thunder if you do the pvp dailies and while fighting for rares or summoned mobs.
Obviously this won't be true on any server, but on my medium-pop pvp server with horde outnumbering alliance (I'm ally) this is the most fun I've had in years.
On my server, I have zoned into Halfhill many times to tend my crops and there was an epic battle of level 90, skeletons littered the ground all over and around Halfhill. I don't know about other servers, but this reminded me of the old days of Tarren Mill and Southshore.  It matters if you get blown up by a raider while doing PVP dailies and all you do is PVP. WoW gold buying So you quit pvping since you can't compete.


PvP was a rudderless ship lost at sea

PvP this past season was the most broken I've ever seen it, buy cheap wow accounts and that came on top of several seasons where it seemed like PvP was a rudderless ship lost at sea.  It's way past time to clear the decks and try some drastic things to fix it.  I'm willing to give the new guy a chance.
 I have to admit more people I know quit this season than ever before.  When people throw up their hands and say "never again" to pvp, you know there's a problem.  Let's see how the changes do.
WoW PvP has been in a pretty dire state of late.  Bad to the point of the game having been removed from the eSport scene completely  
The other point to be made is that only a small percentage of the 8-9m subscriber base actively PvPs on even a semi-regular basis.  People seem to be afraid of jumping into PvP, for some reason.  
I've no idea if these proposed changes will improve the PvP experience or not, but I can say that a dedicated lead Dev and such attentions being paid to the PvP side of the game is about 1000% better than what has been before!

Well, I'm glad that they are going to be monitoring bursting and flag carriers ... Those were the main two things on my mind ... If I had to make a prediction, I would say that bursting will be a problem when 5.3 first comes out and that they will need to tweak further ... interesting that we will still be able to gem resilience (maybe that will be enough?) . WoW gold buying.. Still wondering about changes to pvp heirloooms


WoW pvp at A Level

First, I *do* read up on why this stuff is happening. wow gold for sell Second, you are incredibly deluded if you think 50%+ of WoW players participate in WoW pvp at a level where these nerfs are relevant and, moreover, if you think 50%+ of WoW players PVP in general.  I would bet you that the most PVP that most players have done this xpac are the two BGS you had to do to finish the second phase of the legendary quest, and that's about it (outside of world pvp, which is another matter entirely).
Silencing shot is so overwhelming selected because the other options are, frankly, garbage, and silencing shot is the only true interrupt in the entire bloated family of hunter skills.  When 90%+ of people take it, that means it should be *baseline* not that it should be restricted to one spec.  It would be like being surprised that 90% of a tank spec took a taunt ability.  That doesn't mean it needs to be a "choice," it meas that the entire class has agreed that this is a worthwhile, valuable, if not necessary, skill to function properly.
I'm not going to argue to suggest that Stampede wasn't overpowered as it had been min-maxed, but it was absolutely doing its design goal (which was to summon your whole stable and have them fight for you), and it absolutely is much less fun to push now than it was.  Part of the fun was seeing all of those abilities going off simultaneously once ever five minutes. buy world of warcraft accounts It feels far less satisfying in its current iteration.
Similarly, a readiness which only resets those few abilities is far less satisfying than the current readiness which reset your entire action bar.  It is a nerf to fun (and, without question, a nerf to damage) to have it only reset a far small subset of defense and mobility cooldowns and one major damage cooldown.
Finally, at NO level of the pve game were hunters so outclassing other dps classes as to merit the suite of nerfs we have received recently and are tentatively going to receive in 5.4.  Hunters were a very middle of the road (which we're to understand from GC means balanced) DPS class.  No one was worried about hunter stampede pets using abilities in raids or scenarios.  No one was worried about double big red kitty in raids or silencing shot in 5 mans and world rare spawns.  No one was worried about the burst damage from using readiness to reset shots and major cooldowns.

You know who was worried about all that stuff?  PvP'ers.  Which gets back to the beginning of my point, which is that the entire hunter class is being unfairly targeted with major gameplay adjustments due to the needs of pvp balance, making the class less fun and less powerful and necessitating poorly conceived buffs like increasing AotH and arcane shot damage.  Passive damage increases are hugely unfun and boring, as blizzard has observed time and again.  They're taking a way a lot of fun from the class and a lot of fun buttons to push, and that's why I'm frustrated.


Disgusted by The Proposed Fel Flame change

As a PvP Warlock I am disgusted by the proposed Fel Flame change. gold for wow Destruction is already taking a massive nerf with the loss of KJC. Destruction's damage is completely about cast time spells and with all the CC/Interrupts in the game right now it's darn near impossible to get casts off. Destruction is the most reliant on casting to do damage of all the classes/specs in the game. 

The proposed Fel Flame change is a NERF and a HUGE one. Currently, if you're face to face with another player, my first thought is, buy cheap wow accounts "How can I get my Immolate on them?" This usually involves casting Immolate during a Blood Fear or Sfury/Howl as to not be interrupted. Once applied I know that I can use Fel Flame to apply some instant damage and refresh my Immolate without additional casting. Now, not only do I need to cast Fel Flame, which in itself is a horrible change because I'll undoubtedly get interrupted or locked out, but I'll also need to manually reapply Immolate by casting it again.

The same goes for Affliction in PvP. Once UA is up on the target, we are constantly using Fel Flame to refresh the duration of UA and Corruption. This means more hard casting UA or spending more Shards on Soulburn Soul Swap.

Also, imagine how large of a hit to our mobility it is to lose KJC. Think about it... it's immeasurable, it's almost all of our mobility. Now think about how much more it hurts to lose the only spammable, instant cast, direct damage spell we have. Ghostcrawler's response to this? "We like cast times. We want the risk that you can be countered to exist. WoW accounts for sale What about every other class in the game? WITHOUT nerfing Fel Flame we had more cast time spells than any other class. This is just a slap in the face.

WOW Added 3 More Copies Wach Week

It's not the size of the group that is the issue. wow gold for sell.. it's the fact that there is a raid lock out.  They've essentially added 3 more copies of the same raid for people to do each week... when all they really wanted was a no-lockout system.

*If* end game is where it is at, shouldn't players be able to *end game* 24/7?  WotLK is the closest thing to a no lockout system, and damn if it wasn't extremely popular and alt-o-holic friendly.  They didn't need something somewhere between 10 and 25 to make players happy and the content was already stupified to the extent that anyone could do it.

"Hey, let's make 3 new modes of the same dungeons and call it flex.  They'll get lesser gear than what they are already getting, but hey, no one cares about the gear, they just love the raids so much that they'll do endless flavors of the same thing! wow gold buying We've got 8 months to burn and little to give them.  This is pure gold!"
I agree with you Bill.  I talked about this in Rift, SWTOR and other MMOS I played plus WOW.  However it was always shot down because the hardcore raider community thinks that if you dont have X amount of players you have no right to raid.  Problem is raiding overall has been dieing and seeing a new path opening up in raiding will get people back raiding when they can vs LFR or not getting into a core raid group in a guild.  

I personally hope FFXIV adds this in because my WoW days are done no plans to go back.  I think other MMOs need to look at scaling content vs set numbers.  


Remove Legendaries from the Game

I suppose if they made some change that made the post 5.4  Legendary items less legendary unless you did them as they were debuted (just saying in case there are further patches.. WoW gold for sale .never know), then I wouldn't feel so punched in the face.  Maybe if there hadn't been such a RNG fest I wouldn't feel like this, but it's like I've run a marathon and some moron passes me on a motor cycle (sanctioned by the operators of the marathon), hops off, and starts running the last mile along side of me.  Excuse me if I think about wanting to trip him.
A "catch up" mechanic may not have been the best way to put it, but how many people started early and were still stuck with 20+ Sigils of Power and 3 Sigils of Wisdom?  A tweak was definitely needed in some form.
RNG for grinding things just isn't emotionally satisfying. buy cheap WoW account  I think something closer to how the Valor Cap works would be better. A guaranteed drop, but you still have to do the content. High enough number to collect, and balance issues aren't a problem. Still doesn't remove the grind, which is good just to give you something concrete to measure your progress. I don't think there's any other good things about grinds, though.
They are making it so you can't get more than 10 of any one sigil. Perhaps it'll force the other one to drop if the first isn't available? I doubt it, but at least you (I) won't want to punch the screen because another power dropped.
I hope they remove legendaries from the game moving forward.  This quest line has not been "legendary" in the slightest, really more of a grind and a reason to LFR if one's guild isn't far enough along to get the various raid drops.  And I say this as the guy that raided 3-5 nights a week for 4-5 months to get my guild's Dragonwrath: legendaries are either inherently imbalanced (you either are awesome b/c you got it, or unable to compete with the guy that does) or so banal that they're not exceptional (as the Wrathion MoP quest line is).  
 Or how about this, we just let everyone get a technically special weapon after doing a really long quest line that spans the whole expansion... If we're not making any particular legendaries... hmm I don't know, then we  might as well give it orange text...


The Cataclysm Cace Updates

To be honest, after the Cataclysm race updates, any more "random" race/class combos would probably be a bit unneeded, wow gold for sell and probably seem finicky over what is/is not allowed.  They'd likely be wiser to just say "Screw it, anyone can be anything", and leave it alone.
That said, I wasn't particularly impressed with a lot of the added Race/Class combos added in Cataclysm.  The only ones I viewed as "necessary" were:
Troll Druids; Worgen Druids; Dwarf Shamans & Tauren Paladins.
And those simply because of options. buy cheap wow accounts Previously, if you wanted a Horde Druid, you had no choice regarding the race.  Likewise the others. The additions of, say, a Human Hunter or an Orc Mage didn't really add anything to me, beyond some watering-down of certain class traits/choices.
One thing you are not considering is these race/class combos already existed in game. I for one do not think players should have to choose a race based on what class they want to play. I'm not saying hand out druids and paladins to every race- but some expanding on them is OK with me.
Gilneans worship the Light, so they're cool. Just need to train them up. Forsaken could either pull the same trick as Blood Knights did - Channeling the Light through sheer force of will - or they could be tormented souls trying desperately to cling to the Light even as it hurts them. That's drama. That's friggin' GOLD right there for RP. And Draenei... They've got horns and look super cool in warlock gear. That's kind of my main reasoning for them.
I agree with your other reasoning, but it would be a serious lore problem if the draeneitook up demon-summoning. The whole reason the draenei fled - why they became draenei in the first place, and didn't keep calling themselves eredar - is because of the Burning Legion.  Which, y'know, has a very high demonic membership.
Believe me, I'd love to play a draenei warlock; I'd race-change my human without a second thought if it was available. But the lore pretzel Blizzard would have to twist to make it work makes it really, really doubtful.

I Want to Transfer My Horde Main

I am thinking about returning to the game after a long break and I want to transfer my horde main. I am currently on Medivh which last time I checked was at around 7 to 1 ratio against the horde. Can anyone recommend a new home with better odds and some horde pride?
I think we're missing out on a huge opportunity here.wow gold for sell  Why not use the flex raid scaling tech on everything? Imagine going through Uldaman as a level 90 heroic. Or Karazhan as bleeding edge content again. We'd have an entirely new facet of WoW, and if the scaling tech works, with minimal dev time. Perhaps port the scaling tech to items and stats too, so you could get those shiny Ruby Slippers from Karazhan, it would lock into an ilvl as you got them (maybe 496 or 516, whatever) where to buy wow accounts so in the next tier, you could head there again and get another drop, but upscaled to the current normal ilvl. This would also make all the time spent previous on old items (Naxx, EoE, etc) designing and stat-budgeting and whatnot relevant again. They're also talking about scaling the weapon enchants up to a certain point for heirlooms, why not go all the way? Make all enchants scale with level and gear, so Blood Draining or Mongoose or Executioner or Soulfrost or any of the old enchants that people have collected over the years could be BiS again. It would give theorycrafters a ton of options, and finally give Blizzard a way to implement their thought processes of no "best" choices.
That could potentially have the opposite effect on a new raid, if people decided they did not like it and ran something else en masse. Than the art assets would be wasted on that. Not to mention the nightmare of tuning each and every boss in every raid at every patch, and watching for exploits.
It's an awesome idea, not trying to put you down. But I think it's a large amount of time/effort that could be used elsewhere
I think people would still run the new stuff when it came out, just because it's new. The titles/mounts/item models would ensure that. I don't really buy the whole "time/effort nor being worth it" thing though, buy world of warcraft accounts though that could just be me. If they just invented the tech/did the work/remodeled the thing or whatever, instead of saying well, that's a lot of work, I personally think we'd be better off.


The Legendary Would Be Open

Not sure I understand the point. buy cheap WoW gold I thought that the offset to the ubiquitous availability of the quest was the component of time. Each part of the quest was relative easy, but the hard part is the stick-to-itiveness required over the full expansion. This totally undermines that.
Not really. You can pretty easily reach a point where you're grinding raids you don't need gear from in order to get your sigils. With this change, you'll need just as many drops, and you'll only get the ones for the quest you're on, but you can do it all in whatever raid you're high enough for up to ToT. For maximum efficiency players will still have to run all the older raids too, this just adds one more option to the list and people with less time can stick to the raid they can get more upgrades from.
The problem is, that means the legendary would only be open to people who started at the beginning. People who start now still want to finish by the end of the expansion. Well given that some of the "legendary" (cough cough SHA_TOUCHED GEM) is already mostly irrelevant, its  probably not all that big a deal. buy wow accounts .
Plus, without the catchup, screw you to anyone who wants to start raiding N or H in 5.4. That LMG is a huuuuuge upgrade for many classes.