
WoW pvp at A Level

First, I *do* read up on why this stuff is happening. wow gold for sell Second, you are incredibly deluded if you think 50%+ of WoW players participate in WoW pvp at a level where these nerfs are relevant and, moreover, if you think 50%+ of WoW players PVP in general.  I would bet you that the most PVP that most players have done this xpac are the two BGS you had to do to finish the second phase of the legendary quest, and that's about it (outside of world pvp, which is another matter entirely).
Silencing shot is so overwhelming selected because the other options are, frankly, garbage, and silencing shot is the only true interrupt in the entire bloated family of hunter skills.  When 90%+ of people take it, that means it should be *baseline* not that it should be restricted to one spec.  It would be like being surprised that 90% of a tank spec took a taunt ability.  That doesn't mean it needs to be a "choice," it meas that the entire class has agreed that this is a worthwhile, valuable, if not necessary, skill to function properly.
I'm not going to argue to suggest that Stampede wasn't overpowered as it had been min-maxed, but it was absolutely doing its design goal (which was to summon your whole stable and have them fight for you), and it absolutely is much less fun to push now than it was.  Part of the fun was seeing all of those abilities going off simultaneously once ever five minutes. buy world of warcraft accounts It feels far less satisfying in its current iteration.
Similarly, a readiness which only resets those few abilities is far less satisfying than the current readiness which reset your entire action bar.  It is a nerf to fun (and, without question, a nerf to damage) to have it only reset a far small subset of defense and mobility cooldowns and one major damage cooldown.
Finally, at NO level of the pve game were hunters so outclassing other dps classes as to merit the suite of nerfs we have received recently and are tentatively going to receive in 5.4.  Hunters were a very middle of the road (which we're to understand from GC means balanced) DPS class.  No one was worried about hunter stampede pets using abilities in raids or scenarios.  No one was worried about double big red kitty in raids or silencing shot in 5 mans and world rare spawns.  No one was worried about the burst damage from using readiness to reset shots and major cooldowns.

You know who was worried about all that stuff?  PvP'ers.  Which gets back to the beginning of my point, which is that the entire hunter class is being unfairly targeted with major gameplay adjustments due to the needs of pvp balance, making the class less fun and less powerful and necessitating poorly conceived buffs like increasing AotH and arcane shot damage.  Passive damage increases are hugely unfun and boring, as blizzard has observed time and again.  They're taking a way a lot of fun from the class and a lot of fun buttons to push, and that's why I'm frustrated.

