
The Cataclysm Cace Updates

To be honest, after the Cataclysm race updates, any more "random" race/class combos would probably be a bit unneeded, wow gold for sell and probably seem finicky over what is/is not allowed.  They'd likely be wiser to just say "Screw it, anyone can be anything", and leave it alone.
That said, I wasn't particularly impressed with a lot of the added Race/Class combos added in Cataclysm.  The only ones I viewed as "necessary" were:
Troll Druids; Worgen Druids; Dwarf Shamans & Tauren Paladins.
And those simply because of options. buy cheap wow accounts Previously, if you wanted a Horde Druid, you had no choice regarding the race.  Likewise the others. The additions of, say, a Human Hunter or an Orc Mage didn't really add anything to me, beyond some watering-down of certain class traits/choices.
One thing you are not considering is these race/class combos already existed in game. I for one do not think players should have to choose a race based on what class they want to play. I'm not saying hand out druids and paladins to every race- but some expanding on them is OK with me.
Gilneans worship the Light, so they're cool. Just need to train them up. Forsaken could either pull the same trick as Blood Knights did - Channeling the Light through sheer force of will - or they could be tormented souls trying desperately to cling to the Light even as it hurts them. That's drama. That's friggin' GOLD right there for RP. And Draenei... They've got horns and look super cool in warlock gear. That's kind of my main reasoning for them.
I agree with your other reasoning, but it would be a serious lore problem if the draeneitook up demon-summoning. The whole reason the draenei fled - why they became draenei in the first place, and didn't keep calling themselves eredar - is because of the Burning Legion.  Which, y'know, has a very high demonic membership.
Believe me, I'd love to play a draenei warlock; I'd race-change my human without a second thought if it was available. But the lore pretzel Blizzard would have to twist to make it work makes it really, really doubtful.

