
while doing PVP dailies

Here's a comparison between the best 1H weapon you can get from raiding vs. the best you can get from PVP. Note:  This won't apply in arenas. buy cheap wow accounts That said, the tyrannical weapon will be 3 ilvls higher in 5.3- but the heroic weapon will be 8 levels higher via upgrading. 
This is the part where I expect somebody to say "PVP power"- I don't know about you, but I'd rather have 400 stam, a socket, an extra secondary stat, AND 2000+ WEAPON DPS than 9% extra damage from pvp power.  Easy choice.
The PvE weapon will have its stats lowered to 496 ilevel. The 400 stam, 2000+ DPS will be scaled down. The socket will remain a problem though  I think these changes are good for instanced pvp- but awful for world pvp.  If they are going to make things behave differently in different aspects of the game- then why is one aspect more unbalanced than it has been since vanilla?  I'm actually getting some fun and balanced pvp on the Isle of thunder if you do the pvp dailies and while fighting for rares or summoned mobs.
Obviously this won't be true on any server, but on my medium-pop pvp server with horde outnumbering alliance (I'm ally) this is the most fun I've had in years.
On my server, I have zoned into Halfhill many times to tend my crops and there was an epic battle of level 90, skeletons littered the ground all over and around Halfhill. I don't know about other servers, but this reminded me of the old days of Tarren Mill and Southshore.  It matters if you get blown up by a raider while doing PVP dailies and all you do is PVP. WoW gold buying So you quit pvping since you can't compete.

