
Remove Legendaries from the Game

I suppose if they made some change that made the post 5.4  Legendary items less legendary unless you did them as they were debuted (just saying in case there are further patches.. WoW gold for sale .never know), then I wouldn't feel so punched in the face.  Maybe if there hadn't been such a RNG fest I wouldn't feel like this, but it's like I've run a marathon and some moron passes me on a motor cycle (sanctioned by the operators of the marathon), hops off, and starts running the last mile along side of me.  Excuse me if I think about wanting to trip him.
A "catch up" mechanic may not have been the best way to put it, but how many people started early and were still stuck with 20+ Sigils of Power and 3 Sigils of Wisdom?  A tweak was definitely needed in some form.
RNG for grinding things just isn't emotionally satisfying. buy cheap WoW account  I think something closer to how the Valor Cap works would be better. A guaranteed drop, but you still have to do the content. High enough number to collect, and balance issues aren't a problem. Still doesn't remove the grind, which is good just to give you something concrete to measure your progress. I don't think there's any other good things about grinds, though.
They are making it so you can't get more than 10 of any one sigil. Perhaps it'll force the other one to drop if the first isn't available? I doubt it, but at least you (I) won't want to punch the screen because another power dropped.
I hope they remove legendaries from the game moving forward.  This quest line has not been "legendary" in the slightest, really more of a grind and a reason to LFR if one's guild isn't far enough along to get the various raid drops.  And I say this as the guy that raided 3-5 nights a week for 4-5 months to get my guild's Dragonwrath: legendaries are either inherently imbalanced (you either are awesome b/c you got it, or unable to compete with the guy that does) or so banal that they're not exceptional (as the Wrathion MoP quest line is).  
 Or how about this, we just let everyone get a technically special weapon after doing a really long quest line that spans the whole expansion... If we're not making any particular legendaries... hmm I don't know, then we  might as well give it orange text...

