
WOW Added 3 More Copies Wach Week

It's not the size of the group that is the issue. wow gold for sell.. it's the fact that there is a raid lock out.  They've essentially added 3 more copies of the same raid for people to do each week... when all they really wanted was a no-lockout system.

*If* end game is where it is at, shouldn't players be able to *end game* 24/7?  WotLK is the closest thing to a no lockout system, and damn if it wasn't extremely popular and alt-o-holic friendly.  They didn't need something somewhere between 10 and 25 to make players happy and the content was already stupified to the extent that anyone could do it.

"Hey, let's make 3 new modes of the same dungeons and call it flex.  They'll get lesser gear than what they are already getting, but hey, no one cares about the gear, they just love the raids so much that they'll do endless flavors of the same thing! wow gold buying We've got 8 months to burn and little to give them.  This is pure gold!"
I agree with you Bill.  I talked about this in Rift, SWTOR and other MMOS I played plus WOW.  However it was always shot down because the hardcore raider community thinks that if you dont have X amount of players you have no right to raid.  Problem is raiding overall has been dieing and seeing a new path opening up in raiding will get people back raiding when they can vs LFR or not getting into a core raid group in a guild.  

I personally hope FFXIV adds this in because my WoW days are done no plans to go back.  I think other MMOs need to look at scaling content vs set numbers.  

