
Disgusted by The Proposed Fel Flame change

As a PvP Warlock I am disgusted by the proposed Fel Flame change. gold for wow Destruction is already taking a massive nerf with the loss of KJC. Destruction's damage is completely about cast time spells and with all the CC/Interrupts in the game right now it's darn near impossible to get casts off. Destruction is the most reliant on casting to do damage of all the classes/specs in the game. 

The proposed Fel Flame change is a NERF and a HUGE one. Currently, if you're face to face with another player, my first thought is, buy cheap wow accounts "How can I get my Immolate on them?" This usually involves casting Immolate during a Blood Fear or Sfury/Howl as to not be interrupted. Once applied I know that I can use Fel Flame to apply some instant damage and refresh my Immolate without additional casting. Now, not only do I need to cast Fel Flame, which in itself is a horrible change because I'll undoubtedly get interrupted or locked out, but I'll also need to manually reapply Immolate by casting it again.

The same goes for Affliction in PvP. Once UA is up on the target, we are constantly using Fel Flame to refresh the duration of UA and Corruption. This means more hard casting UA or spending more Shards on Soulburn Soul Swap.

Also, imagine how large of a hit to our mobility it is to lose KJC. Think about it... it's immeasurable, it's almost all of our mobility. Now think about how much more it hurts to lose the only spammable, instant cast, direct damage spell we have. Ghostcrawler's response to this? "We like cast times. We want the risk that you can be countered to exist. WoW accounts for sale What about every other class in the game? WITHOUT nerfing Fel Flame we had more cast time spells than any other class. This is just a slap in the face.

