
Deployment of the Escalation in World of Warcraft

This is really exciting. I havent pve ed much because pvp has been so much fun,once i have buy WOW account and buy WOW gold.  I remember first hearing about the role of Garrosh in this expac and I couldnt wait. The main players like Thrall, Varian, Arthas..... the ones with expressions and character that you can relate to really get me going and Garrosh is no exception. The Deathwing fight didnt really do it for me like fighting the lich king did so hopefully the Garrosh fight brings some of the magic back. I think it will and I think it will stir up the roleplayers more which is always great for some real emotionally motivated pvp. CAN'T WAIT!
Spent a fair part of saturday afternoon doing the escalation stuff, not a bad way of  gearing up alts (in this case the shaman I dinged 90 on friday). By sunday I'd finished the throne of thunder lfr and was decked with average ilvl 481.
What they are offering is a catchup mechanic that allows progression via pve and pvp, yet people are still moaning.
 MMOspace has a severely demanding audience.
People say nostalgia is the reason why people look fondly back to ancient wow.
It may be, but let me tell you as a player where noticed, you builded a reputation and people knew what kind of player you where.
It was like a small village where evrybody knew evrybody, and you needed each other to get something done.
From doing dungeons or leveling doing elite quest or your special class quest.
You made friends that lasted a long time...
Community's were forged in 2004/2005, and it ended with cross realm battlegrounds and payed faction transfers..
Random dungeons finder and raid finder.
WoW the story of a boy  that defeated titans and became legend only to see its downfall where you look to the right side where a junky shotting his arms full with shit just to get that extra mile.
These aren't solo scenario's they are regular type ones. U have 3 players no tank or heal needed and u run the. I don't understand why u thinnk they are solo. They aren't yes thunder isle was but these aren't.

