
Every Raid Is Dependent on Every Healer

The DPS have responsibilities to live up to as well. There's no such thing as a free lunch, after all. But part of being a team player is picking up the slack when your teammates falter (as they'd do for you). WoW accounts for sale When DPS get caught in the bad, healers should do their best to save them. 
Every raid is dependent on every healer, yes... If they weren't then they would bring an extra dps to the fight instead.
I can keep someone alive in Iron Qon fire for longer than 3 seconds by spamming Healing Surge and Riptide on them.  I will also be out of mana in about 30 seconds doing this.  If we wipe because I do this then it is the dps's fault and also my fault.
 I'm sorry if you play dps and can't get over the fact that 1 out of 6 healers is more important than 1 out of 17 dps.  There is a reason that the priority healing order is keep tank up, keep yourself up, and then lastly keep dps up.  Saying that I should blow my mana pool to keep a dps up is basically saying that I should suicide myself for a dps.  This is silly of course.
We aren't talking about dps being "caught" in the bad though... when that happens I heal them until they can get out.
We are talking about a dps either tunneling or ignoring mechanics and not getting themselves out of the bad.  In this instance I can probably not heal you for longer than a few seconds.
 Then heal for those seconds, and if they die, Where to buy wow accounts it's their fault. Not trying to heal them (or stopping healing them) is detrimental.
Saying 1 healer is more important than 1 DPS is arrogant, and completely ignores how enrages, both hard and soft, work. 
 I've already said multiple times that I heal people when they first get caught in something.  I then expect them to move out of it, and if they don't then I have to stop healing them for the betterment of the group.
1 healer is more important than 1 dps.  Sorry... don't know what to tell you, but it isn't arrogance as I'm not an arrogant player.  If two people are dead then our raid always battle rezes a healer first.  It's just simple logic.  Losing a tank is pretty much an automatic wipe.  Losing a healer is usually a wipe unless it is near the end of the fight.  Losing a dps is sometimes a wipe but often isn't if you aren't pushing the enrage timer.

