
fix Sub's PvE

I don't think any spec should be a tank spec  (if they decide to give it to rogues, it should be a wholly new specialization), but I do think they need to fix Sub's PvE without infringing on its PvP playstyle.  I should have said "if rogues are to "have" a tank role".  I agree with you rogues shouldn't be tanks.  Buying world of warcraft account What about the changes I suggested for shadowdance to give more DPS uptime?  Would that mess with PvP too much?  It would help PvE a lot.  At least it seems so to me.
I think it could work, but it should be conditional. Just giving them more shadowdance will directly be a buff in PvP, too. 
Something like, "Each time you use a finishing move on a target that is immune to stuns, the cooldown of your shadow dance is reduced by 5 seconds"
I could live with that condition.  Anything to make Shadowdance have a chance to have more uptime.  I have always played Sub rogues exclusively with "combat" as my off spec.  I liked the survivabilty and movement tricks of the Sub class from the jump.  I know now a days most of those have been opened up to all with talents but, I just still have a soft spot for trying to make Sub work in all situations.  Call me crazy. ;)
Oh goddess no.  I want the whole "immunity" bit of bosses to go away (so a stun slows down the bosses next physical swing, something other than a "haha, you left that on your action bar in a raid!").  The Warrior Thor-Hammer talent was the first ability I know of that had "X, or Y if immune to part of X".   We already have basically 2 kits for every class: the one used in PvP, with tons of CC, and the one used in PvE, with more damage, build up, and no CC abilities.  WoW accounts for sale
Trying to learn either PvP or PvE when you know the other is almost relearning a class.   If PvE and PvP have to live together, I'd like the abilities to be more alike, not more different.

